Here is What Happens When You Rotate Your Running Shoes

running shoes

Fitbit Activity + Sleep Trackers
 If you are a serious runner, you would probably agree that you should have more than one pair of running shoes. Maybe even a few pair. Especially if you rotate between long distance , trail , or a track running. After all, the goal is to keep from injury and stay comfortable while you are training.


Rotation: Having a number of running shoes allows you to rotate them depending on their wear and your needs.  You can also invest in lighter-weight shoes for track workouts that you wouldn’t want to necessarily use on a long run because of the cushioning. Or perhaps you want a trail-running shoe for hitting the woods. They’re designed differently to help you avoid injury and keep you closer to the ground.


Weather: Ever run through a rainstorm and come out of it with soaking-wet shoes? Still want to run the next day, maybe even 12 hours later? Hopefully you have a spare set while you let your other pair dry out. Same goes for snow, which always seems to seep in. And if you get a pair super dirty and need to give it a good scrubbing, you won’t be able to run in them for at least 12-24 hours.


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Lessen injury risk: Studies have shown that wearing multiple, different types of running shoes can lessen your injury risk because you’re varying the impact on specific muscle groups. That’s because a different shoe will work your foot and legs in a slightly different way.


Longer-lasting: Experts typically recommend swapping out shoes every 300-500 miles. That still goes if you’re rotating shoes, but they’ll last extra weeks or months because you won’t be putting all your mileage on one pair.


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Stocking up on your favorite: Many runners find the absolute perfect shoe, only for it to be discontinued six months later. Buying two or more pairs means you’ll have your favorite style around longer.


You’ll have more time to break in a new pair: It’s rare to find a pair of shoes that you could wear on Day 1 to run a marathon. Most of us simply wouldn’t want to risk it even if we did find a super comfy set. Having a second pair lets you ease into replacing one shoe with another as your main, go-to pair.



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